Verbands- und Bildungsportal des BVpta e.V. 0681

Your BVpta in English

“Bundesverband der Pharmazeutisch-Technischen-Assistenten:innen – BVpta e. V.” is a professional association. We represent the interests of all those who have passed an examination to become a PTA or are still in training.

Our PTA members work in various areas: public pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, service companies, research & development, public service, teaching PTA or self-employed, e.g. as training speakers, coaches, etc.

Since our foundation in 1980, our initiatives have been exclusively directed towards the interests of our professional group in all present and future fields of activity within the health care system and towards their consistent promotion in technical and professional terms.

What we do:

  • Further development and promotion of the attractiveness of the PTA profile
  • Developing sustainable concepts and strategies for the profession and training.
  • Press and public relations work to make our profession better known in society and to raise awareness of our interests.
  • Participation in political committees and in amendment processes
  • Participation in health care forums for professional exchange with other stakeholders within the public health sector
  • Cooperation with pharmaceutical industry partners

What we offer:

  • Support in everyday professional life – including professional and legal advice
  • Possibility of exchange among like-minded colleagues
  • Qualified and certified continuing education programmes through the association’s own education company (BVpta Bildungsgesellschaft)
  • Services and special conditions for members
  • Up-to-date information via our association-owned media
  • Receive the members’ magazine PTAheute twice a month with our own BVpta pages
  • Offer of old-age provision and other security through our pension management system

Are you looking for further information about the profession PTA?
Here are some basic facts about the requirements, education and job opportunities.


In Germany, minimum demand for an authorization as Pharmaceutical Technical Assistant (PTA) is a General Certificate of Secondary Education. Furthermore high school performance in science lessons is required.

The PTA education is regulated by law (Educational- and Examination order of PTA) from 23 September 1997. On this basis the federal States of Germany develop the curriculums of PTA schools.


At present the education takes 2.5 years. The education is divided into 2 years of theoretical schooling at a national or a state-approved private school and 6 months of practical training in a pharmacy.

School subjects in 2 years of technical education are:

  • Science of pharmaceuticals
  • General + pharmaceutical chemistry
  • Galenics (production of pharmaceuticals)
  • Botany, pharmacognosy + pharmaceutics
  • Teaching of dangerous substances, phytosanitary + environment protection
  • Teaching of medical products, Nutrition Science and dietetics
  • Teaching of Personal hygiene + pharmaceutical principles
  • Teaching of physical equipments + specialized mathematics

Besides the plain theoretical lessons the students also get lessons in practical training in investigation of body fluids, identification of medicinal plants, production of certain pharmaceutical forms like ointments and crèmes, solutions and suppository as well as computer literacy.

During schooling the PTA students are obliged to fulfill 4 weeks (160 hours) of practical course (= “Famulatur”) in a pharmacy to gain insight into internal business procedures and pharmaceutical activities. Eight double period comprehensive education in first aid is required additionally.

Schooling ends with a first section of the examination including a written, an oral and a practical part.

Following the theoretically education in school there will be 6 months of practical education in a pharmacy. Practical education consists of chemical-pharmaceutical exercises including analysis of body fluids and exercises of pharmacognosy, galenic and practical experience in a pharmacy including computing.
This ends with a second state examination.

Job opportunities

  • Public pharmacy
  • Hospital pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Public administration
  • PTA Schools
  • Public authorities
  • Health authorities
  • Sales representative

Salary is based upon professional years and number of weekly working hours.